Monday, June 11, 2012

Trying to get to Thailand...

Today June 11, 2012, it has been a whole year since June 11, 2011. I know, I know, of course it's been a whole year since June 11. But last year this time we tried to go to Thailand, but had a little trouble.

This is part of a copy from my first news letter... - Words like this are written today, not last year... -

News Letter 1 - Week 1, Written in the week of June 19 - 25th.
Greetings from Asia.

      Well as most of you probably don't know. It took us longer then we thought to get here! On Tuesday we went to board the plane, we were all excited, you know. "This is the first step to Asia!" "Ahh we have to take a 15 hour plain ride!" or "Tomorrow this time we will be on our way!"
       Well, we got there and they wouldn't let Tyler on the plane, they said his pass port was messed up, so we missed our flight. Well we needed to get new tickets and we didn't have the money for that! We even thought we might not be able to go! - I remember that night and we were so disappointed. I remembered the sickening feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach. Going obeyed was not something I wanted to do. I prayed and prayed. I remembered Tyler had tears in his eyes. In fact we all did! -
       So they said we can get on a plane, on Thursday afternoon for $300 a ticket. {300 x 7 soon adds up to a lot of money.} - Chad and Annie were coming over to Thailand later, because of there jobs. - So we went to get Tyler a new passport, but when we got there they said he can't get one with out a birth certificate. so we had to go home. {it cost like $125 ONE WAY.} But we had no choice. So we drove the 3 hours home from New Yoke City. You would have thought that it was all over. But no, when we got home we got an email saying, that we can't fly on Thursday after all, but we can fly Friday......But they needed to know by Midnight that night!
       We thought "Its only one more day." - It was sooo disappointing - We found out if we take the risk and go and talk to them tomorrow (Wednesday) that we could maybe still fly Thursday and if that didn't work we could fly Saturday for sure. So we took that chance.
       And Wednesday afternoon we left for New York again. We needed to stop in Philadelphia to get Tyler's passport by 3:00 though, if we didn't we wouldn't make the Thursday plain either. So on our way up we new we were pushing for time. Dad said "lets pray there's not much traffic or we wouldn't make it." Well suddenly we here this bang, bang noise the car starts to rock and we smell rubber. "Not a flat tire." every one thought! I mean that was the last thing we needed! So we pulled a side, and nope no flat, so we began to drive, but we still smelled rubber an the car still shook. So dad pulled a side at a rest stop and took a look. The tire wasn't flat, but the outside rubber was peeled off! So we hurried to change it or we would be late! It took 10 min. to change the tire, and we were off!


How I wish I was going to Thailand. Looking back on this, it feels like only yesterday, and yet it seems like another lifetime. I know that may seem hard to figure out, but that's how I feel. I hope these little Thailand updates will help you see why I want to move there.


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