Monday, June 18, 2012

Our First Week In Thailand...

We had an interesting time...

 News Letter 2 - Week 2, June 20 - 27th.
Greetings from Asia.

     Okay so far  its been interesting. No, more then interesting. Its Interesting! Any way it seems things happen to our family that doesn't normally happen. For example: They said no one has ever had a layover getting here (or at least not for a long time) - I meant a flight canceled- and guess what, we did! No one ever had problems with there passports getting here. We did.
      Any way, On Monday my mom went shopping at this really nice store. They say its a lot like wal-mart, and my mom was in the meat section when a HUGE rat runs right by her. Needless to say my mom jumped. The people at GTO were surprised and said that never happened before. :)
      On Tuesday it was Zach's b-day and we had some friends over and were playing cops and robbers. Well, Zach was running from a cop and duked a tree and when he was coming up he hit a branch from another tree. I was sitting on the porch (in disguise) watching the parents talk, when one of the boys comes running up and says Zach's bleeding really bad so we all run and we find Zack crying his hand covered in blood and his hair dripping with it. - Zach later said that when he hit his head he thought he started started sweating really bad. He reached his hand up and when he pulled it back down, it was covered in blood. Well that's not the most reassuring thing to happen. - They take him in the house and clean him up, shave his head, and he looks much better. That never happened at the GTO base before, or at least not to my knowledge.
      On Wednesday, early in the morning (it was still dark out) we were looking for lizards (That are only, two feet long.) that only come out in the dark, when Kaitlyn almost steps on a scorpion! Right by the front door! I mean right by the door, it could have walked in (we always leave the doors open.) Well they said the scorpions don't come up to the house! Well so much for that!
      They also say that most people don't find snakes around the house, in fact only one person did, one of my cousins on the Esh side. :) So were just waiting to find one under the bed or laying by the fridge. :) - We found three snakes later, two of which we kept as pets. We named them MARY, and ELLEN. :) -
       Were having fun, we had church here and there's like 18 people that come (counting us) if every ones there. There's us, (7) another family that works for GTO, (3), the (3) people that help around the house. And the (2) nannies that help with children. Plus the teams (i didn't count that in the numbers.)     
        Last night I went on a ride well, me and Abby went on a moppet ride with the boy and girl that live here with us (not in the same house, in the dorms in the back) There both Thia, the boy can speak pretty good English, the girl can't. But Abby likes her and she likes Abby. Any way, we went to a night market and that was fun. :) Were getting ready for a team of 8, 5 girls, 3 boys who will come tomorrow. And 3 boys from another team left Sunday so were busy. :)

Prayer request:

-Please continue to pray that we will know Gods will for our family.
-Safety for the team that's coming and for the team that left for China.
-And pray for Matt (a man who works with us.) that he will know Gods will also.


-That the Thia girl is excepting us and has made friends with Abby. :)
-And that Zach's head healed.

Zach's cut...

Zach's b-day...

My scorpion pictures are coming... :)
Missing Thailand so much...

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