Sunday, June 17, 2012

Trying to Get to Thailand Continued again...

News Letter 1 - Week 1, Written in the week of June 19 - 25th.
Greetings from Asia.

      Sunday we went to the IGo Church. Then slept....Were tired during the day and can't sleep at night.......But were getting used to it. :) That evening we drove for about 1 hour 15 min. to this place that has about 50 kids, 42 to be exact and had supper and played with the kids.
      Then today we went on a scavenger hunt the team put us on, to get to know the town. I got a cute bag, had the Best ice coffee ever (which only cost like 80 cents) tasted the best chicken ever! Had some tea that I didn't really like. And just looked around the city. We also learned to say hello, thank you, and counted to 10, all in Thia. :) Tonight we will go to an orphanage. :) To eat.
      The time difference is 11 hours. When it is 8:00 in the evening here (they say 20:00) its like 9:00 in the morning in America. :)
And 90 bat (there money) {bat sounds like a sheep with the t sound at the end, you know a sheep goes ba, ba. But its not BA its bat, um like ba ba black sheep have you any wool?) any way, 90  bat is 3 U.S. dollers.

Please pray for:

Us, for safety, good health, and to know Gods will.
The children's home.
And for the mission.

That we got here!

People may say that our trouble means God doesn't want us here.
But we say Satin doesn't want us here!

Please let me know if you have any questions. Hopefully things will get easier. But they say it doesn't. The man that runes the children home said that this was the 1st lesson - nothing goes as you plane! - :)

Oh and I would LOVE to get letters from you our address is:
--- I don't have the address yet. But I will send it to you as soon as I can. :) ---
I wouldn't be able to always right back because it cos like, 90 c. I know it doesn't sound like much. But I have to pay it and if I get like 10 letters it begins to add up. But I will try to right you at least once. TRY!

I hope you like this up date. :)


Below are some picturse from our first trip in the city...



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