Friday, June 15, 2012

Trying to Get to Thailand Continued...

News Letter 1 - Week 1, Written in the week of June 19 - 25th.
Greetings from Asia.

       ....There was no traffic thank the Lord. We got there talked to the people and they said we could fly at 7 am Thursday. So we slept at my moms friends house. And the next morning at 4:30 am we were up and on our way. We found out we would need to fly to LA, then to Japan, then Bangkok, Then Chang Mia, Thailand. So we got off safely, flew for 6 house to LA, and got on to our flight For Japan, in 15 hours we were in Japan.
We figured we would only be 2 days late, but nope, once again our plans were changed......Our flight to Bangkok was canceled do to mechanical problems! They said we may have to buy new tickets! Unless we get on a plain that leaves in 1 hour. So we raced through the air port. But when they were checking our bags they stopped Tyler and told him he can't take the skate board! And that Tyler had to go with him. So we raced to the lane. Dad said he wouldn't leave without Tyler. So they said they would bring him to the plane. Did I mention like every one that was on the canceled flight was with us? Well they were! We met like 2 other people, that helped us. Mean while mom was so scared that we wouldn't find Tyler.
We waited for a bus to take all of us to the plane we waited for almost 30 min. Finally a bus came, and nope we missed the plane, well people weren't to happy. We went back and found Tyler then waited for like 3 hours 'till they took us to a hotel, for free, thank goodness. And the next morning Friday morning (our time) we got up at like 5 am, because we couldn't sleep.
Dad said they would go talk to the air line about tickets and we could stay at the hotel. So we stayed and tried to watch TV. Have you ever tried to watch TV when it only talks in Japanese?! Not fun! The Japanese people were nice though. - We did watch a ant show in Japanese. -
Any way so we finally decided to play scum when Dad comes running into the room and says we have to be at the plane in 2 hours or we will miss our plane. (by the way the plane was free.) So we run around and pack every thing.....well not really pack more like stuff everything into ANY suitcase, run down get on a bus and get to the airport by the time we got our tickets we had 1 hour!
We ran through the air port, got our suitcases on the plane went through the bag check out and finally were on the plane to Bangkok. 6 hours later we landed, got on a plane 3 hours later, flew 1 hour and were finally at the house, were living in for the next 2 months.


      Once again I hope that this helps you see why I have a passion for Thailand.


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