Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More Time in Thailand...

News letter 3,
 July 4th - July 9th, 2011

      I have attached a few pictures.- I posted the same pictures- I hope you like them. 
      Any way, Last week we had 3 "teams" here. The reasoned I used the " " is that the one team was a one person team.  Yupp, our table was pretty full.
      On Monday a one team guy came. 2 days later 8 people came, 3 boys and 5 girls. The next day a 3 person team came, all boys. The next day the 3 person team left. Then the next day the 1 man team left. Then on Saturday we (the 8 person team and our family and the people that work with us.) all went to this HUGE restaurant. And it was nice, really nice! The bath rooms were amazing!!! It was out doors, I mean it had a roof but no walls. A water fall surrounded half of it, and the water fall led to a stream and the stream led to a 30 ft deep pond.
      The bath rooms were made to look natural, you know a tree in each stall. And there were 3 sinks each sink was different. They had a handle to turn on the water, but no, um........what ever you want to call it, the thing where the water comes out. And way, the first sink had rocks leading into it, and the water came over it, like a stream. The second sink had a big drop off (well big for a sink  ) and the water went over it like a water fall. The 3rd sink had a log, and the water came out of the log.

- This is the one we found on our door. The thing tried to get into the house and did, but Tyler quickly got it out with a stick. While we were there we found two more scorpions IN the house, one in the kitchen and another on our steps -

 Aren't the kids cute? These re some firends Abby made at the commpassion home.

B-day party at the Compassion Home.

We were trying to find our way in a "new" city.

 Grocery shopping. :) The things on the right are really good! They were red with little green spikes.


This is a picture I found on the Internet. It's the thing that's "red with little green spikes" It looks kinda weird but it's so good! Abby loves them! She ate them all the time! There called Rambutan.


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