Monday, May 6, 2013


Should I keep this blog? I mean I mostly post songs, verses and quotes. I mean sure there's a few updates here and there; but really how many of you really check this blog out. (I'm not looking to be pitied it's just my thoughts) I've been looking at other people blogs and they have really cool blogs, and there so different from mine.

Let me know what you think....
And I would love to know what you think I should post. :)
-If you don't want me to know who it is you can make it "anonymous", but I will not be offended and it will not affect our friendship; no matter what you say. :)-

lyrics (from super awesome songs!)
crafts (I've really been making a lot of crafts lately.)



  1. I love your blog, and enjoy getting updates, but the songs are really cool too. Bri

  2. I like your blog! n I like hearing the updates.

  3. please keep it up!! i enjoy lookin at your blog!! :)

  4. nooo, i really like you blog!! keep it up!!! :)

  5. I'd say keep it!!! I know its hard finding ideas for blogs, but i'm sure you'll figure something out. I was thinking the same thing about mine.

  6. Don't leave it, Sarah!
    I love looking at your updates and hearing about your life in Thailand. Don't compare your blogs to others; find a style that's yours and keep it. :)
    I would be heartbroken if you stopped blogging!


I hope you will comment! You don't have to be a member, anyone and everyone can comment!