Friday, June 29, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

QS of the Week 4/6/12

"The next moment is as much beyond our grasp, and as much in God's care, as that a hundred years away. Care for the next minute is as foolish as care for a day in the next thousand years. In neither can we do anything, in both God is doing everything."
~Unknown Author

Verse of the Week 4/6/12


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

~Revelation 1:8

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More Time in Thailand...

News letter 3,
 July 4th - July 9th, 2011

      I have attached a few pictures.- I posted the same pictures- I hope you like them. 
      Any way, Last week we had 3 "teams" here. The reasoned I used the " " is that the one team was a one person team.  Yupp, our table was pretty full.
      On Monday a one team guy came. 2 days later 8 people came, 3 boys and 5 girls. The next day a 3 person team came, all boys. The next day the 3 person team left. Then the next day the 1 man team left. Then on Saturday we (the 8 person team and our family and the people that work with us.) all went to this HUGE restaurant. And it was nice, really nice! The bath rooms were amazing!!! It was out doors, I mean it had a roof but no walls. A water fall surrounded half of it, and the water fall led to a stream and the stream led to a 30 ft deep pond.
      The bath rooms were made to look natural, you know a tree in each stall. And there were 3 sinks each sink was different. They had a handle to turn on the water, but no, um........what ever you want to call it, the thing where the water comes out. And way, the first sink had rocks leading into it, and the water came over it, like a stream. The second sink had a big drop off (well big for a sink  ) and the water went over it like a water fall. The 3rd sink had a log, and the water came out of the log.

- This is the one we found on our door. The thing tried to get into the house and did, but Tyler quickly got it out with a stick. While we were there we found two more scorpions IN the house, one in the kitchen and another on our steps -

 Aren't the kids cute? These re some firends Abby made at the commpassion home.

B-day party at the Compassion Home.

We were trying to find our way in a "new" city.

 Grocery shopping. :) The things on the right are really good! They were red with little green spikes.


This is a picture I found on the Internet. It's the thing that's "red with little green spikes" It looks kinda weird but it's so good! Abby loves them! She ate them all the time! There called Rambutan.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Had A Bad Day?

"Sing a sad song and it turns it around..." Hope this turns your day around! :)
P.S. Alvin and the chipmunks sing this song in the beginning of the first movie. :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Please ote on WHATS YOUR FAVORITE SONG!!! This is not the same ones I did before. There the final resaults and you hae to ote on them yet!  PLEASE DO THIS!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Prayer + Request + Gratitude (PRG)

"Prayer + Request + Gratitude (PRG)
By Samantha B. Fox Spring 2012,
      ~Prayer: Prayer is way of talking to God. It should be conversation between you and God. In  prayer you my ask God for something or thank him for something or even just talk to him.
      ~Request: When I pray I often say 'Lord please help me...", or "Jesus could you please..." "God please please..." "Father please keep..." All of which we request. Asking God for things is fine. God wants you to talk to Him. But do you thank God?
      ~Gratitude: If you ask God for help, we'll say... eight times, and God gives you that help, do you thank him eight times? Do you thank God s many times as you ask him? I don't. I really want to, and I'm working on it.
       It just made me think, if we want God to listen when we ask him 15 times, we should thank him 15 times, if not more!"

This made me think. After all my family went through, it just made me wonder. My family went through a lot, and we prayed a lot! But did I thank Him as much as I asked? After reading this, I decided to make it a point to thank Him.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Verse of the Week 3/6/12


The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

~Psalm 27:1

QS of the Week 3/6/12

“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.”

~ George Washington Carver

Monday, June 18, 2012

Our First Week In Thailand...

We had an interesting time...

 News Letter 2 - Week 2, June 20 - 27th.
Greetings from Asia.

     Okay so far  its been interesting. No, more then interesting. Its Interesting! Any way it seems things happen to our family that doesn't normally happen. For example: They said no one has ever had a layover getting here (or at least not for a long time) - I meant a flight canceled- and guess what, we did! No one ever had problems with there passports getting here. We did.
      Any way, On Monday my mom went shopping at this really nice store. They say its a lot like wal-mart, and my mom was in the meat section when a HUGE rat runs right by her. Needless to say my mom jumped. The people at GTO were surprised and said that never happened before. :)
      On Tuesday it was Zach's b-day and we had some friends over and were playing cops and robbers. Well, Zach was running from a cop and duked a tree and when he was coming up he hit a branch from another tree. I was sitting on the porch (in disguise) watching the parents talk, when one of the boys comes running up and says Zach's bleeding really bad so we all run and we find Zack crying his hand covered in blood and his hair dripping with it. - Zach later said that when he hit his head he thought he started started sweating really bad. He reached his hand up and when he pulled it back down, it was covered in blood. Well that's not the most reassuring thing to happen. - They take him in the house and clean him up, shave his head, and he looks much better. That never happened at the GTO base before, or at least not to my knowledge.
      On Wednesday, early in the morning (it was still dark out) we were looking for lizards (That are only, two feet long.) that only come out in the dark, when Kaitlyn almost steps on a scorpion! Right by the front door! I mean right by the door, it could have walked in (we always leave the doors open.) Well they said the scorpions don't come up to the house! Well so much for that!
      They also say that most people don't find snakes around the house, in fact only one person did, one of my cousins on the Esh side. :) So were just waiting to find one under the bed or laying by the fridge. :) - We found three snakes later, two of which we kept as pets. We named them MARY, and ELLEN. :) -
       Were having fun, we had church here and there's like 18 people that come (counting us) if every ones there. There's us, (7) another family that works for GTO, (3), the (3) people that help around the house. And the (2) nannies that help with children. Plus the teams (i didn't count that in the numbers.)     
        Last night I went on a ride well, me and Abby went on a moppet ride with the boy and girl that live here with us (not in the same house, in the dorms in the back) There both Thia, the boy can speak pretty good English, the girl can't. But Abby likes her and she likes Abby. Any way, we went to a night market and that was fun. :) Were getting ready for a team of 8, 5 girls, 3 boys who will come tomorrow. And 3 boys from another team left Sunday so were busy. :)

Prayer request:

-Please continue to pray that we will know Gods will for our family.
-Safety for the team that's coming and for the team that left for China.
-And pray for Matt (a man who works with us.) that he will know Gods will also.


-That the Thia girl is excepting us and has made friends with Abby. :)
-And that Zach's head healed.

Zach's cut...

Zach's b-day...

My scorpion pictures are coming... :)
Missing Thailand so much...

Britt Nicole - Don't Worry Now

Britt Nicols Dad left her when she was little.....


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Trying to Get to Thailand Continued again...

News Letter 1 - Week 1, Written in the week of June 19 - 25th.
Greetings from Asia.

      Sunday we went to the IGo Church. Then slept....Were tired during the day and can't sleep at night.......But were getting used to it. :) That evening we drove for about 1 hour 15 min. to this place that has about 50 kids, 42 to be exact and had supper and played with the kids.
      Then today we went on a scavenger hunt the team put us on, to get to know the town. I got a cute bag, had the Best ice coffee ever (which only cost like 80 cents) tasted the best chicken ever! Had some tea that I didn't really like. And just looked around the city. We also learned to say hello, thank you, and counted to 10, all in Thia. :) Tonight we will go to an orphanage. :) To eat.
      The time difference is 11 hours. When it is 8:00 in the evening here (they say 20:00) its like 9:00 in the morning in America. :)
And 90 bat (there money) {bat sounds like a sheep with the t sound at the end, you know a sheep goes ba, ba. But its not BA its bat, um like ba ba black sheep have you any wool?) any way, 90  bat is 3 U.S. dollers.

Please pray for:

Us, for safety, good health, and to know Gods will.
The children's home.
And for the mission.

That we got here!

People may say that our trouble means God doesn't want us here.
But we say Satin doesn't want us here!

Please let me know if you have any questions. Hopefully things will get easier. But they say it doesn't. The man that runes the children home said that this was the 1st lesson - nothing goes as you plane! - :)

Oh and I would LOVE to get letters from you our address is:
--- I don't have the address yet. But I will send it to you as soon as I can. :) ---
I wouldn't be able to always right back because it cos like, 90 c. I know it doesn't sound like much. But I have to pay it and if I get like 10 letters it begins to add up. But I will try to right you at least once. TRY!

I hope you like this up date. :)


Below are some picturse from our first trip in the city...



Friday, June 15, 2012

Trying to Get to Thailand Continued...

News Letter 1 - Week 1, Written in the week of June 19 - 25th.
Greetings from Asia.

       ....There was no traffic thank the Lord. We got there talked to the people and they said we could fly at 7 am Thursday. So we slept at my moms friends house. And the next morning at 4:30 am we were up and on our way. We found out we would need to fly to LA, then to Japan, then Bangkok, Then Chang Mia, Thailand. So we got off safely, flew for 6 house to LA, and got on to our flight For Japan, in 15 hours we were in Japan.
We figured we would only be 2 days late, but nope, once again our plans were changed......Our flight to Bangkok was canceled do to mechanical problems! They said we may have to buy new tickets! Unless we get on a plain that leaves in 1 hour. So we raced through the air port. But when they were checking our bags they stopped Tyler and told him he can't take the skate board! And that Tyler had to go with him. So we raced to the lane. Dad said he wouldn't leave without Tyler. So they said they would bring him to the plane. Did I mention like every one that was on the canceled flight was with us? Well they were! We met like 2 other people, that helped us. Mean while mom was so scared that we wouldn't find Tyler.
We waited for a bus to take all of us to the plane we waited for almost 30 min. Finally a bus came, and nope we missed the plane, well people weren't to happy. We went back and found Tyler then waited for like 3 hours 'till they took us to a hotel, for free, thank goodness. And the next morning Friday morning (our time) we got up at like 5 am, because we couldn't sleep.
Dad said they would go talk to the air line about tickets and we could stay at the hotel. So we stayed and tried to watch TV. Have you ever tried to watch TV when it only talks in Japanese?! Not fun! The Japanese people were nice though. - We did watch a ant show in Japanese. -
Any way so we finally decided to play scum when Dad comes running into the room and says we have to be at the plane in 2 hours or we will miss our plane. (by the way the plane was free.) So we run around and pack every thing.....well not really pack more like stuff everything into ANY suitcase, run down get on a bus and get to the airport by the time we got our tickets we had 1 hour!
We ran through the air port, got our suitcases on the plane went through the bag check out and finally were on the plane to Bangkok. 6 hours later we landed, got on a plane 3 hours later, flew 1 hour and were finally at the house, were living in for the next 2 months.


      Once again I hope that this helps you see why I have a passion for Thailand.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jamie Grace - With You

Love this song!!!


QS of the Week 2/6/12

“Providence has at all times been my only dependence, for all other resources seemed to have failed us.”

 ~ George Washington

Verse of the Week 2/6/12


Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

~Isaiah 43:18 & 19

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


There's another "what's your favortie song" just one. Scroll down, or click on this link, and PLEASE COMMENT!!!

Casting Crowns - Courageous

We have the cd with this song on it. I love it!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Barlow Girl - Sing Me A Love Song


Trying to get to Thailand...

Today June 11, 2012, it has been a whole year since June 11, 2011. I know, I know, of course it's been a whole year since June 11. But last year this time we tried to go to Thailand, but had a little trouble.

This is part of a copy from my first news letter... - Words like this are written today, not last year... -

News Letter 1 - Week 1, Written in the week of June 19 - 25th.
Greetings from Asia.

      Well as most of you probably don't know. It took us longer then we thought to get here! On Tuesday we went to board the plane, we were all excited, you know. "This is the first step to Asia!" "Ahh we have to take a 15 hour plain ride!" or "Tomorrow this time we will be on our way!"
       Well, we got there and they wouldn't let Tyler on the plane, they said his pass port was messed up, so we missed our flight. Well we needed to get new tickets and we didn't have the money for that! We even thought we might not be able to go! - I remember that night and we were so disappointed. I remembered the sickening feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach. Going obeyed was not something I wanted to do. I prayed and prayed. I remembered Tyler had tears in his eyes. In fact we all did! -
       So they said we can get on a plane, on Thursday afternoon for $300 a ticket. {300 x 7 soon adds up to a lot of money.} - Chad and Annie were coming over to Thailand later, because of there jobs. - So we went to get Tyler a new passport, but when we got there they said he can't get one with out a birth certificate. so we had to go home. {it cost like $125 ONE WAY.} But we had no choice. So we drove the 3 hours home from New Yoke City. You would have thought that it was all over. But no, when we got home we got an email saying, that we can't fly on Thursday after all, but we can fly Friday......But they needed to know by Midnight that night!
       We thought "Its only one more day." - It was sooo disappointing - We found out if we take the risk and go and talk to them tomorrow (Wednesday) that we could maybe still fly Thursday and if that didn't work we could fly Saturday for sure. So we took that chance.
       And Wednesday afternoon we left for New York again. We needed to stop in Philadelphia to get Tyler's passport by 3:00 though, if we didn't we wouldn't make the Thursday plain either. So on our way up we new we were pushing for time. Dad said "lets pray there's not much traffic or we wouldn't make it." Well suddenly we here this bang, bang noise the car starts to rock and we smell rubber. "Not a flat tire." every one thought! I mean that was the last thing we needed! So we pulled a side, and nope no flat, so we began to drive, but we still smelled rubber an the car still shook. So dad pulled a side at a rest stop and took a look. The tire wasn't flat, but the outside rubber was peeled off! So we hurried to change it or we would be late! It took 10 min. to change the tire, and we were off!


How I wish I was going to Thailand. Looking back on this, it feels like only yesterday, and yet it seems like another lifetime. I know that may seem hard to figure out, but that's how I feel. I hope these little Thailand updates will help you see why I want to move there.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

On June 11...

On June 11, I will start posting pictures and stories from my families trip to Thailand last summer. :) I picked June 11 because, last year on June 11, we were leaving for Thailand. :) I hope you like it. :)


Time in Between - Francesca Battistelli

Time in Between - Francesca Battistelli... Love the words in this song!


Thursday, June 7, 2012


Here are the results:

The Best Song That I Posted #3...

3. By 1 votes - Natalie Grant - Your Great Name

2. By 2 votes - Britt Nicole - Believe

FAVORITE: By 3 votes - Jamie Grace - Come To Me

The Best Song That I posted #2

3. Tied By 2 votes: Jamie Grace - You lead / - Natalie Grant - In Better Hands -

2. By 3 votes: Britt Nicole - The Lost Get Found -

FAVORITE: by 4 votes: Beckah Shae - Here In This Moment -

The Best Song That I Posted #1

1. Tied By 1 votes: Natalie Grant - Held / - Beckah Shae - Hope -

2. By 2 votes - Jamie Grace - The Way You Show Jesus -

FAVORITE: Tied By 3 votes: Britt Nicole - Say It / Barlow Girl - Hello Sunshine -

Now you can vote on you favorite song from above. :) Please vote by June 30, 2012. Hope you like them. - Note - You may list your three favorite songs by: 1. 2. 3. :)


1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. - 1 Timothy 6 :12



We are still planning to move to Thailand, Lord willing, this January. We are working to get our house ready for auction for this fall. My mom is having a really BIG yard sale this Saturday (June 9). Call us for more details. :)

This summer we plane to CLEAN our house. We plane to sell everything, except some sentimental things, and the stuff we are taking. :)

More details will come....


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Update on Chad...

Chad as actually gotten some movement in his ankle!!! This means that the nerve is growing!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
Pretty much what we have to do now is wait, the doctors say that it could take two years for him to have full recovery. Right now he is walking with a brace, and is back to normal. The only problem is he can't run or jump. Because of this he doesn't have much of a job. Chad wants to mow lawns this summer, when people go on vacation. Call us if your interested. :)

The Lord is good!!!

Verse of the Week 1/6/12


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

~John 1:1-5

QS of the Week 1/6/12

“God didn’t make a mistake when He made you. You need to see yourself as God sees you.”

~Joel Osteen

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Random Question... Favorite singer?

Do you have a favorite singer? Not a song (that's coming up) A favorite SINGER. Or at least ONE OF YOUR FAVORITES. :) You may list more then one if you want.