Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More on the Baby...

Little Hadassah Rose was born at 11:00pm on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. We got to see her at midnight. She was so perfect, she had the cutest fingers, and even finger nails. She was small, weighing only 5 ounces, she was 7.75 inches long. We had a private burial with only us kids and my parents. We were comforted to know that the baby didn't die because of something we did. The cord was not attached and so Hadassah wasn't getting enough blood flow. The mid-wife says that this would have happened about three weeks after becoming pregnant. The baby was just okay because she was smaller.

It's hard to think we wouldn't have a little baby. Dad prayed and talked about Hadassah resting in the arms of Jesus. But it's still hard. But it helped when Dad said that she's another little prayer warrior praying up in Heaven for us down here as we go to Thailand. My mom has had six miscarriages and three still borns, making a total of nine losses. We can't wait to meet all our brothers and sisters in Heaven.

We named her Hadassah, after the Queen Easter. And Abigail loved the name Rose so we named her that for Abby. We plan to plant a rose bush in memory of her. Although we'll wait 'till we gae to Thailand.

We look forward to meeting our little sister in Heaven. Please continue to pray for us.



  1. were praying for you guys...keep trusting God!

  2. same here!!! hope tp see you soon!

  3. I am definitely praying for you guys!!! Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Love you Sarah!! trust God!!

  4. Thanks everyone! That verse in Romans has really meant a lot to my family the past few months. I know God't working, even when we don't have any idea what he's doing.


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