Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Best News!!!

Chad doesn't need surgery!!!!!!!!!

If you don't know why he needed surgery I'll explain: The doctors were afraid that the nerve in his leg was cut, so they would need to do a Nerve Transplant. The date of the surgery was this Thursday (May 17, 2012). If he had to have surgery he only had 20% chance that he would have full recovery. There was a little hope though, they had to do one more test, to see if the nerve had grown. If it had then he wouldn't need the surgery. The first test showed that it hadn't grown (this test was the day we went to NYC on April 8, 2012) Then last Thursday (May 10) He had his last test (if this test didn't show that his nerve grew, he would have to have surgery.) PRAISE GOD! THE NERVE HAD GROWN! HE DOESN'T NEED SURGERY!!!!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! He now has a 70% chance of FULL recovery, although it could take between 2-3 years.

Thanks for all the prayers! GOD IS GOOD!!!! Please continue to pray as he still goes through the time of "recover".



  1. wow!!! glad to hear it! have a good rest of your time in ny!!!

  2. that is sooo awesome, it's really good to see that ur home again, we should get together sometime!!!!!!


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