Friday, May 18, 2012

Hadassah Rose...

Hadassah Rose, still born.

Hadassah - "shining star". Queen Easter's name was Hadassah, before it was changed.

Rose - "a symbol of love; God's gracious gift." Abby loves  this name, so we decided to name her this.

Forever in our hearts... Hadassah Rose.

"Dearest Hadassah,
We were SO excited about you joining our family! Now with deep sadness, our hearts are broken. Even though God called you home so soon, we know His plans and purposes are higher than ours! So we commit our plans into His plans. We look forward to joining you someday where we will never part again!!
... All our love,
Dad, Mom, Chad, Annie, Tyler, Sarah, Kaitlyn, Zachary & Abigail
P.S. The cause of the death of precious Hadassah was an improperly attached umbilical cord. As she grew she did not receive enough of blood through the cord. She was formed so perfectly! Even her fingernails were perfect. [We joked that it looked as though she'd gotten a manicure because the tips of her nails were white.] :)
Thanks to all who have prayed and cared for us during this difficult time!"


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