Thursday, May 3, 2012

3-D Miracles

Three-Different Miracles in One Day! 

       On Saturday, April 21, 2012, my family could have gone from 9 expecting 10, to 4. All because of cars. Now I'm not blaming cars, but there the reason our family would have shrunk.

      One. My mom (pregnant) and sister Annie, went shopping at about 7:00 Saturday evening. They didn't return until 10:30. I wondered why, after all they were only going to one store. My mom came into our room goose bumps covering her arms. "Thank the Lord that were still alive!" While driving in a six lane highway. (Three, for on going traffic, and three, for coming traffic.) A lady suddenly swerved to her left, missing my mom and Annie by only about a foot. (Or so) While driving at 50 mph, she crossed all 5 lanes (Not counting the lane she was in.) Missing every car, but causing another accident. (A man put on his breaks when seeing the lady and another car crashed into the back of him.) She went over the bump in the middle of the road, and crashed into the side of a porch, flipping her car over! Mom and Annie were the first to reach the car. Annie opened the door and so the lady, who was in total shock! She was not in her seat belt, but appeared to be fine. My mom and Annie stayed behind and talked to the police.

      Two. My Dad and Chad were in Lancaster, (Because my dad needed to work, and Chad had a doctors appointment.) On Saturday a car just so missed them.

      Three. Tyler, who was also in Lancaster was walking along the road, and decided to cross the road. (Which made no sense, because he would soon have to turn right and would have to cross the road again!) Tyler said that he didn't know why he crossed, he just did it. Right after he crossed, a car swerved and ran into a tree. Tyler would have been hit had he not crossed!

      I just want to thank anyone and everyone who prayed for us that Saturday!!!!! God heard and answered your prayers!


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