Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012


I'll soon start posting picturse from our (my family and I) trip last summer, 2011. I hope the picturse will help you see why I want to go there some what.

I think God put this passion for Thailand in me. :)

Hope you guys like them. I'll try to post as many stories with my picturse as I can. :)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Having fun with my sister...

We couldn't help our selves. :) We want to take more pics, as soon as my mom charges her camera. :) Were working on one with both of in a picture. :)

Saturday afternoon + Boredom + Two sister's + Cool music + A camera + Two pairs of sunglasses =

                                                             Cool as can be...

Check it out...

                                                Stand Back...



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

QS of the Week 4/5/12

“God never made a promise that was too good to be true.”

~ D.L. Moody

Verse of the Week 4/5/12


"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

~Matthew 6:24

Friday, May 18, 2012


Please Vote on ALL of the WHATS YOUR FAVORITE SONG... I know it's hard to decide. But vote on all THREE post. They all have different songs on them.

Hadassah Rose...

Hadassah Rose, still born.

Hadassah - "shining star". Queen Easter's name was Hadassah, before it was changed.

Rose - "a symbol of love; God's gracious gift." Abby loves  this name, so we decided to name her this.

Forever in our hearts... Hadassah Rose.

"Dearest Hadassah,
We were SO excited about you joining our family! Now with deep sadness, our hearts are broken. Even though God called you home so soon, we know His plans and purposes are higher than ours! So we commit our plans into His plans. We look forward to joining you someday where we will never part again!!
... All our love,
Dad, Mom, Chad, Annie, Tyler, Sarah, Kaitlyn, Zachary & Abigail
P.S. The cause of the death of precious Hadassah was an improperly attached umbilical cord. As she grew she did not receive enough of blood through the cord. She was formed so perfectly! Even her fingernails were perfect. [We joked that it looked as though she'd gotten a manicure because the tips of her nails were white.] :)
Thanks to all who have prayed and cared for us during this difficult time!"


Thursday, May 17, 2012

THE BEST SONG THAT I POSTED? Third Favorite Song...?...

Whats your favorite song out of the songs below. Even if you liked one of these songs below getter then the second and favorite song, it doesn't matter, First Second, and Third Favorite Songs are just so I can keep track of whats what. :) Remember  YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO COMMENT!

1. Britt Nicole - Believe

2. Jamie Grace - Come To Me

3. Natalie Grant - Your Great Name

4. Our God is an Awesome God - Micheal W. Smith

5. Our God is an Awsome God - Rick Mullins

Remember all votes must be in by May 31, 2012.


THE BEST SONG THAT I POSTED? Second to Favorite Song...?...

Please "comment" your second to favorite song (see favorite song) below. You don't have to be a member to comment. :)

1. Britt Nicole - The Lost Get Found

2. Barlow Girl - Never Alone

3. Beckah Shae - Here In This Moment

4. Jamie Grace - You Lead

5. Natalie Grant - In Better Hands

Vote by May 31, 2012

THE BEST SONG THAT I POSTED? Favorite Song...?...

Whats your favorite song? Please comment, you can just put the number of your favorite song. - Your favorite song below, not your all time favorite song. :) -

1. Britt Nicole - Say it

2. BarlowGirl - Hello Sunshine

3. Beckah Shae - Hope

4. Jamie Grace - The Way You Show Jesus

5. Natalie Grant - Held

Vote before May 31, 2012.

Our God Is An Awsome God!

Just thought about it today...Chad was dying and was in pain when he thought to sing. I just hope the Lord will help me be strong even in times of tormiol.

Love This Song!!!!!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More on the Baby...

Little Hadassah Rose was born at 11:00pm on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. We got to see her at midnight. She was so perfect, she had the cutest fingers, and even finger nails. She was small, weighing only 5 ounces, she was 7.75 inches long. We had a private burial with only us kids and my parents. We were comforted to know that the baby didn't die because of something we did. The cord was not attached and so Hadassah wasn't getting enough blood flow. The mid-wife says that this would have happened about three weeks after becoming pregnant. The baby was just okay because she was smaller.

It's hard to think we wouldn't have a little baby. Dad prayed and talked about Hadassah resting in the arms of Jesus. But it's still hard. But it helped when Dad said that she's another little prayer warrior praying up in Heaven for us down here as we go to Thailand. My mom has had six miscarriages and three still borns, making a total of nine losses. We can't wait to meet all our brothers and sisters in Heaven.

We named her Hadassah, after the Queen Easter. And Abigail loved the name Rose so we named her that for Abby. We plan to plant a rose bush in memory of her. Although we'll wait 'till we gae to Thailand.

We look forward to meeting our little sister in Heaven. Please continue to pray for us.


QS of the Week 3/5/12

“He shows much more of Himself to some people than to others-not because He has favorites, but because it is impossible for Him to show Himself to a man whose whole mind and character are in the wrong condition.”
~ C.S.Lewis

Verse of the Week 3/5/12


"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

~Hebrews 11:6

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sad News...

We...We lost the baby...Please pray for as we go through this.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Home From NYC

Although I liked the city, I'm a woods girl! I never knew how much I loved the woods until I got home. The air smells different, the green grass, the blue sky, purple flowers, green trees, sounds of birds, running bare foot! It all just made me so happy! Now don't get me wrong, when I was in the city it's not as bad as I thought, and even though I prefer the woods, if God called me to the city I could go.

But it is a change! We went from this:




But I will miss the people in NYC. And there are things that I will miss about the city too.
Thanks for all the prayers. Keep praying as we prepare to sell our house.


The Best News!!!

Chad doesn't need surgery!!!!!!!!!

If you don't know why he needed surgery I'll explain: The doctors were afraid that the nerve in his leg was cut, so they would need to do a Nerve Transplant. The date of the surgery was this Thursday (May 17, 2012). If he had to have surgery he only had 20% chance that he would have full recovery. There was a little hope though, they had to do one more test, to see if the nerve had grown. If it had then he wouldn't need the surgery. The first test showed that it hadn't grown (this test was the day we went to NYC on April 8, 2012) Then last Thursday (May 10) He had his last test (if this test didn't show that his nerve grew, he would have to have surgery.) PRAISE GOD! THE NERVE HAD GROWN! HE DOESN'T NEED SURGERY!!!!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! He now has a 70% chance of FULL recovery, although it could take between 2-3 years.

Thanks for all the prayers! GOD IS GOOD!!!! Please continue to pray as he still goes through the time of "recover".


Friday, May 11, 2012



My Grace is sufficient for thee. - 2 Corinthians 12:9


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

QS of the Week 2/5/12

“Flowers may beckon towards us, but they speak toward heaven and God.”

~Henry Ward Beecher

Verse of the Week 2/5/12


"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

~Proverbs 18:10

Saturday, May 5, 2012


"Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.' "

Thursday, May 3, 2012

3-D Miracles

Three-Different Miracles in One Day! 

       On Saturday, April 21, 2012, my family could have gone from 9 expecting 10, to 4. All because of cars. Now I'm not blaming cars, but there the reason our family would have shrunk.

      One. My mom (pregnant) and sister Annie, went shopping at about 7:00 Saturday evening. They didn't return until 10:30. I wondered why, after all they were only going to one store. My mom came into our room goose bumps covering her arms. "Thank the Lord that were still alive!" While driving in a six lane highway. (Three, for on going traffic, and three, for coming traffic.) A lady suddenly swerved to her left, missing my mom and Annie by only about a foot. (Or so) While driving at 50 mph, she crossed all 5 lanes (Not counting the lane she was in.) Missing every car, but causing another accident. (A man put on his breaks when seeing the lady and another car crashed into the back of him.) She went over the bump in the middle of the road, and crashed into the side of a porch, flipping her car over! Mom and Annie were the first to reach the car. Annie opened the door and so the lady, who was in total shock! She was not in her seat belt, but appeared to be fine. My mom and Annie stayed behind and talked to the police.

      Two. My Dad and Chad were in Lancaster, (Because my dad needed to work, and Chad had a doctors appointment.) On Saturday a car just so missed them.

      Three. Tyler, who was also in Lancaster was walking along the road, and decided to cross the road. (Which made no sense, because he would soon have to turn right and would have to cross the road again!) Tyler said that he didn't know why he crossed, he just did it. Right after he crossed, a car swerved and ran into a tree. Tyler would have been hit had he not crossed!

      I just want to thank anyone and everyone who prayed for us that Saturday!!!!! God heard and answered your prayers!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

QS of the Week 1/5/12

“We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God.”

~ C.S.Lewis

Verse of the Week 1/5/12


"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

~John 14:6

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Update...

We are having a good time her in NYC. Although I miss home. In some way's I wish I wouldn't be taking the classes, because of school. But then I think about all that I learned and I change my mind. I'm so glade I'm taking the classes! You can tell, because I could drop out of classes any time. Just don't expect me to have a lot of school done when I get home.

We will be returning on May 11, 2012.

Keep praying, and thanks for the prayers so far. God bless you...


Beckah Shae - Hope

Hope you like it,
