Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We Have Arrived

     My family and I have arrived safely here in Chang Mia Thailand. Thankfully we didn't have any problems with the trip. We especially are thankful about our luggage; we were overloaded and were afraid we would be stopped and have to pay or condense; but it never happened. We flew from New York City to China to Bankok to Chang Mia. We had a few funny moments that we probably will never forget.
      Here in Thailand it's around 80 degree's. Were still trying to get over the time change. But it's not as bad as last time. I love Thailand, everything about it. And I am so thankful tp be here. Were looking for a house right now, and are asking for prayer as we try to discern what God wants us to do.
     FBR is coming up this weekend and so were looking forward to that. FBR (Fall Back and Relax) is a retreat for all GTO people. Everyone in Asia that's under GTO comes to Thailand to relax and reconnect. I can't wait!
Thanks so much for all the prayers and support... I'll update again soon...


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