Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One Year...

One year ago today Chad got shot. One year ago at this time, prayers were going up for my brother. Thank you all for the prayers and support. THANK YOU LORD FOR HEALING HIM TO THE POINT HE IS AT...
Today Chad posted this on face book...
"Today I thought back and remembered the faces, the dirt road and the dump truck driver who helped to save my life. The doctors and volunteers at the hospital. I Thought about the men who lost their lives and how different their lives may have been had someone shown them the love of Jesus. Or maybe someone did and they rejected it. Did they have a father or mother who cared for them? What did they ...go through to get to the point of pulling the trigger? Did they have anyone who really cared for them?
I hope and pray that I can make a difference in the lives of hurting, and broken people. And I look forward to the day when I finally go home. Thanks again, through your prayers and support you have shown me the love of Christ!"

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