Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year! 2013!

     So much as happened to me in the last year...Chad got shot. We went to NYC for training. Hadassah Rose was born. We sold our house. I changed; a lot. I don't know if other people can tell, but in the past year so much as changed for me.
     My cousin asked me "What was the biggest thing God showed you?"
     And I would have to say that, "He really strengthened my faith."
     In so many, many ways...I have two post that should hopefully get posted within the month, one about my family's storm, and one about miracles.
     So much can happen to you in a day... Your life can change so fast... I would have never have believed that I would be here having experienced everything in the past year. I would have laughed if someone told me that Chad would get shot, I would have thought it was a joke. I would never have believed I would learn so much!
     God has shown me so much! And now I want to show others what God can show them...We have so much to share, and whether you're in Asia or PA. YOU CAN SHARE YOUR FAITH! People want to hear.
     I smile when I think about going to Heaven, one of my biggest goals is to be able to walk through the gates and have someone run up to me and say, "Hey sister! I'm here because of you!"
     People often set goals for the New Year...
     Well I'm not going to do that.
     I want to set goals for my life!

1.I want to serve God, no matter where He leads me.
2.I want to show people His love.

     We have so much we can give. Both fiscal, financial and spiritual... We are so blessed to be alive! I know this sounds hard to do, and I don't do it enough, but try going to a nursing home or hospital once a month or every other month, who knows you may change a life.
Financial God asks us in His word to tithe 10%. Why not give more, so many people die of hunger...

As of 10/8/12:
The total number of children that die in a year from hunger is ONE MILLION.
Population of the world that is considered to be starving is 33%
Every 3.6 seconds a person dies from hunger! That's 24,000 people a day!
800 MILLION suffer from hunger or starvation.
936 MILLION people do not have enough to eat.
65% of the worlds hunger is in 7 countries. (India, China, Dominican Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ethiopia.)

Spiritual, so many people commit suicide, so many people are depressed. We can help. We have the truth, the way and the light! Jesus said "Go into all the world and preach the gospel." That's what my family is doing. But you can do it right here! Right now!

3. I want to read my Bible every day.
4. I don't want to give into peer pressure.
5. I want love, wisdom and courage.

Okay so this was a longer post, I hope you like it. :) Please comment and let me know what your goals are, or let me know what you think of this post. :)


"You can't change the world. But you can change a life, one moment at a time."

~Samantha B. Fox

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