Saturday, January 19, 2013

It has arrived...

About this time I will be boarding an air plane. I will have said my last good bye. I will probably have a sickening feeling in side, why? Most likely my emotions will be all mixed up. I am so pumped for Thailand, and I know it's where the Lord wants us. But it is hard to leave everyone behind. But once I get there I know it will be even better.

After so long of talking about it, it's hard for me to believe it is really here...

Please pray for us, especially in the next couple of weeks a my family and I live in a motel And eat rice everyday, from the street. Pray for us as we look for a house, and as we try to get settled. Please pray for us as we try to learn the language. Please pray for me as I try to figure out what He wants me to do there. AND ABOVE ALL PRAY THAT WE CAN BE WITNESSES!!!

Here's a song... If it doesn't play click here...

"You can't change the world. But you can change a life, one moment at a time."
~Samantha B. Fox

Thanks for all the prayers and supports.


Excuse anything that seems out of place, misspelled, or is incorrect English; I typed this at 11:34 PM on Friday.


  1. I love the song! it's among my favorite songs and always has been. Thanks for sharing, I'll definantly be checking for updates. Your sister in Christ, Bri

  2. Thanks a lot Bri. We really need the prayers! And ti helps us when we think of all our prayer warriors.


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