Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Verse of the Week 5/1/13


Psalms 16:11
"You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."


QS of the Week 5/1/13


The joy of the Lord bathes each moment in sunshine.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sarah & Kaitlyn and the Sisterhood...

Sorry I couldn't flip the photo's.
I hope you like them. {Let me know what you think.}

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We Have Arrived

     My family and I have arrived safely here in Chang Mia Thailand. Thankfully we didn't have any problems with the trip. We especially are thankful about our luggage; we were overloaded and were afraid we would be stopped and have to pay or condense; but it never happened. We flew from New York City to China to Bankok to Chang Mia. We had a few funny moments that we probably will never forget.
      Here in Thailand it's around 80 degree's. Were still trying to get over the time change. But it's not as bad as last time. I love Thailand, everything about it. And I am so thankful tp be here. Were looking for a house right now, and are asking for prayer as we try to discern what God wants us to do.
     FBR is coming up this weekend and so were looking forward to that. FBR (Fall Back and Relax) is a retreat for all GTO people. Everyone in Asia that's under GTO comes to Thailand to relax and reconnect. I can't wait!
Thanks so much for all the prayers and support... I'll update again soon...


Verse of the Week 4/1/13


Joshua 1:8:

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."


Qs fo the Week 4/1/13


In the strength of the Lord we find freedom to fly.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

It has arrived...

About this time I will be boarding an air plane. I will have said my last good bye. I will probably have a sickening feeling in side, why? Most likely my emotions will be all mixed up. I am so pumped for Thailand, and I know it's where the Lord wants us. But it is hard to leave everyone behind. But once I get there I know it will be even better.

After so long of talking about it, it's hard for me to believe it is really here...

Please pray for us, especially in the next couple of weeks a my family and I live in a motel And eat rice everyday, from the street. Pray for us as we look for a house, and as we try to get settled. Please pray for us as we try to learn the language. Please pray for me as I try to figure out what He wants me to do there. AND ABOVE ALL PRAY THAT WE CAN BE WITNESSES!!!

Here's a song... If it doesn't play click here...

"You can't change the world. But you can change a life, one moment at a time."
~Samantha B. Fox

Thanks for all the prayers and supports.


Excuse anything that seems out of place, misspelled, or is incorrect English; I typed this at 11:34 PM on Friday.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Count Down To Thailand...

Today, January 18, 2012. We leave January 19, 2013.
{1 day}


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Count Down To Thailand...

Today, January 17, 2012. We leave January 19, 2013.
{2 days}


Schedules Post...

Some of you may think that I must spend a lot of time on the computer, creating post. But I want to let you know that 95% of my post are scheduled. The way you can tell is the time I posted it. (Any time between 2:00am-6:00am) Note: This post is scheduled.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One Year...

One year ago today Chad got shot. One year ago at this time, prayers were going up for my brother. Thank you all for the prayers and support. THANK YOU LORD FOR HEALING HIM TO THE POINT HE IS AT...
Today Chad posted this on face book...
"Today I thought back and remembered the faces, the dirt road and the dump truck driver who helped to save my life. The doctors and volunteers at the hospital. I Thought about the men who lost their lives and how different their lives may have been had someone shown them the love of Jesus. Or maybe someone did and they rejected it. Did they have a father or mother who cared for them? What did they ...go through to get to the point of pulling the trigger? Did they have anyone who really cared for them?
I hope and pray that I can make a difference in the lives of hurting, and broken people. And I look forward to the day when I finally go home. Thanks again, through your prayers and support you have shown me the love of Christ!"

Count Down To Thailand...

Today, January 16, 2012. We leave January 19, 2013.
{3 days}


QS of the Week 3/1/13


"God doesn't always call thew qualified. But He always qualifies the called."


Verse of the Week 3/1/13


"17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord."

~Romans 12:17-19

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Count Down To Thailand,,,

Today, January 15, 2012. We leave January 19, 2013.

{4 days}


Monday, January 14, 2013

Count Down To Thailand...

Today, January 14, 2012. We leave January 19, 2013.
{5 days}


Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Call - Narnia {No Need To Say Goodbye}

Love this song. {Most likely because it reminds me of Narnia.}


and this video has the lyrics:


Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year! 2013!

     So much as happened to me in the last year...Chad got shot. We went to NYC for training. Hadassah Rose was born. We sold our house. I changed; a lot. I don't know if other people can tell, but in the past year so much as changed for me.
     My cousin asked me "What was the biggest thing God showed you?"
     And I would have to say that, "He really strengthened my faith."
     In so many, many ways...I have two post that should hopefully get posted within the month, one about my family's storm, and one about miracles.
     So much can happen to you in a day... Your life can change so fast... I would have never have believed that I would be here having experienced everything in the past year. I would have laughed if someone told me that Chad would get shot, I would have thought it was a joke. I would never have believed I would learn so much!
     God has shown me so much! And now I want to show others what God can show them...We have so much to share, and whether you're in Asia or PA. YOU CAN SHARE YOUR FAITH! People want to hear.
     I smile when I think about going to Heaven, one of my biggest goals is to be able to walk through the gates and have someone run up to me and say, "Hey sister! I'm here because of you!"
     People often set goals for the New Year...
     Well I'm not going to do that.
     I want to set goals for my life!

1.I want to serve God, no matter where He leads me.
2.I want to show people His love.

     We have so much we can give. Both fiscal, financial and spiritual... We are so blessed to be alive! I know this sounds hard to do, and I don't do it enough, but try going to a nursing home or hospital once a month or every other month, who knows you may change a life.
Financial God asks us in His word to tithe 10%. Why not give more, so many people die of hunger...

As of 10/8/12:
The total number of children that die in a year from hunger is ONE MILLION.
Population of the world that is considered to be starving is 33%
Every 3.6 seconds a person dies from hunger! That's 24,000 people a day!
800 MILLION suffer from hunger or starvation.
936 MILLION people do not have enough to eat.
65% of the worlds hunger is in 7 countries. (India, China, Dominican Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ethiopia.)

Spiritual, so many people commit suicide, so many people are depressed. We can help. We have the truth, the way and the light! Jesus said "Go into all the world and preach the gospel." That's what my family is doing. But you can do it right here! Right now!

3. I want to read my Bible every day.
4. I don't want to give into peer pressure.
5. I want love, wisdom and courage.

Okay so this was a longer post, I hope you like it. :) Please comment and let me know what your goals are, or let me know what you think of this post. :)


"You can't change the world. But you can change a life, one moment at a time."

~Samantha B. Fox

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

QS of the Week 2/1/13


"You cant change the world. But you can change a life, one moment at a time."
~Samantha B. Fox

Verse of the Week 2/1/13


"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion."

~Romans 12:15 & 16

Friday, January 4, 2013

Count Down To Thailand...

Today, January 4, 2012. We leave January 19, 2013.
{15 days}


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

QS of the Week 1/1/13


"JESUS was born in a manger, not because there was no room in the inn; but because God wanted HIM too be born in a way that poverty is. JESUS was left at the temple, not because HIS parents left HIM behind, but because HE had to talk to the scribes. JESUS got baptised, not because HE needed it, but because we needed HIM to show us. JESUS healed the blind man, not because the man needed sight, but because we needed it. JESUS died on the cross, not because HE wasn't strong enough, but because we aren't. We aren't strong enough to be come clean. JESUS died with love."

-Samantha B. Fox

Verse of the Week 1/1/13


“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

~Romans 12:20 & 21