Monday, July 16, 2012

Thailand a year ago...

 News letter 4
 July 4th - 10, 2011 

      We had prayer meeting on Wednesday, I had to baby-sit 2 Thia kids. Rachanook and Phillipe. There both about 1 & 1/2 years old.  There really cute!! Rachanook means dream.  She's a little sneak. I mean you have to watch her every move! - Rachanook was adopted. And will not be there when we return. Same with Phillipe.-  We had a lot of fun! 
     On Thursday we went to an awesome night safari. It had really cool animals..........Wild cats like: Lions, leopard, cheetah's, fishing cats, and tigers!  They had white lions, white and brown tigers. All kids of cheetah's even a little one the size of a HOUSE CAT! They had different kids of leaperds too. They had ALL KINDS of birds; parrots, peacocks, swans, ducks and MORE!!!!! And there were these 1/2 mice 1/2 deer things!!! And we feed deraffs, dear, and zebra's. And then there were the elephants! They did TRICKS!! All in all it was GREAT!  It was sooooooooo COOL!!!!! I mean really, really HOT! But cool, but not cold! Hot very HOT! But its cool here! Oh you know what I mean. 
      On Saturday we went to a pool and on the way home we drove on a moped, and got soaked!!!!! It rained HARD!!! But we had fun. 
      Chad and Annie got here on Sunday! It was AWESOME!!! It was soooooooo good to see them.  Oh and then on Sunday we gave our cleaning lady, Nee, 2 packs of diapers some baby lotion, a boys out-fit and $20. She almost cried!! She has a baby that is like 3 months old.  All in all a GREAT week!!!!

Prayer request:
-Please continue to pray for us.

-That Chad and Annie got here!
-That we are still safe and well!
~Thanks you Lord.

Sorry this one isn't as long I was in a hurry!


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