Sunday, July 1, 2012

More Time in Thailand Continued...

News letter 3,
July 4th - July 9th, 2011

        On Sunday my dad preached at the compassion home, and boy is there music LOUD!!!!! You get a head ack, and your voice hurts from trying to sing loud, so you can hear yourself. -The church was great! There's nothing like there worship!- But the kids are cute!!! And we had lunch there, noodle with chicken and some kind of broth. It tasted GREAT! But I made a mistake and looked into the bowl where the broth was and saw a WHOLE chinken in it! The head, beek, feet, ever thing! But I still liked the food.
       All in all is was a pretty amazing week. Oh yeah and Zach so a snake! I didn't get to see it, but Zach did! We also love going to swim by this waterfall, this AWESOME waterfall I might add, on the hot days. Well, every days hot so every day we want to go, note want, but mom and dad don't always want to take us. We are also are taking care of a pigeon who hert its leg. We are also learning Thia!!!!! All in all were having a great time! But I do miss you guys! So here's hug from me to you.......

Please Pray for:
-Nee a Thia lady who helps around the house, she has a baby boy who is 3 months old, um I'm not sure whats all wrong with him but he's in the hospital a lot. Please pray that healing will come to him.- This is still a prayer request today. -
-Please continue to pray that we will follow Gods will, and know what he wants for our lives.- Please continue to pray about this too. -
-And please pray that Chad and Annie will have a safe travel over here. They leave Thursday your time.

-That we all are still in good health.
-That we are safe.
-And that Zach's head is healing nicely.


I hope these little up dates are helping you see why my passion is in Thailand. :)


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