Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Busy/Lazy Week In Thailand...

News letter 5 - Week 5
July 11 - 18th 2011

This week was a slow/busy week.......................
      Tuesday night we went to a volley ball game, well we played volleyball with some of the IGo people. We were so hot and sweaty that my shirt was wet!!!  I mean you could feel it!! Like, you could see that my shirt was wet!! But we had FUN!!! Then my mom went to the night market. I was to tired to go. But we plane to go again some time. 
      On Wednesday, Annie learned to drive a moped. It was hilarious!!! LOL.......  She didn't know you had to lean to steer and kept driving into the yard!!!  But she soon picked it up, and she's doing good now. That night we had prayer meeting. 
     Thursday we went to an AWESOME waterfall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It had white rocks and you could climb up it! We had so much FUN! Though Kaitlyn got Matt wet and he said he would get even! -We also got him better then he got us. - And then Shawn got me wet and I told him I would get even, so it was me and Kaitlyn against these two GROWN men! But Shawn was leaving on Friday to go on a mission trip, and Matt was leaving Monday, so we didn't have long. We drove home and me and Kaitlyn jumped out of the truck raced into the house filled buckets up and walked out. We slowly waited for Matt (who was getting his stuff) to get out of the truck. When he did, we were there to meet him. ..........Then we went and filled up our buckets again added some ice  and waited for Shawn (who was ridding a mopped and was a little behind us. When he got there was were waiting for him! It was FUNNY!  They did get us.........But we got them better!!! 'Cause we were waiting for them!! 

These are the waterfall picturse...

HUGE bug...

 Thai girl...

Shawn, Kaitlyn and me, talking...



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