Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Busy/Lazy Week In Thailand continued...

News letter 5 - Week 5
July 11 - 18th 2011

      On Friday is was a lazy day. We said good bye to Shawn, that's about it...........Oh and Annie and Rhonda oh and the water team.............They were all going together.
      On Saturday, We went to the compassion home for a birthday party!!! They celebrate once a month all the birthdays in that month. But this time they were doing 2 months: August and July. Every one gets cake, but the birthday kids get a larger peace with extra icing and candles with 2 small cookies. I was one of the birthday kids! It was FUN! We took ice cream and they loved it!! We played games with them! And oh man can they play football (soccer)!!!!
      Sunday we went to the IGo church. And me and Tyler and Kaitlyn TRIED to walk home, it was sooooooo FAR! And we forgot water. Needless to say we were very HAPPY!! When dad picked us up! We also said good bye to Christa. (She want back to the US).
Yupp a lazy, busy week..................................

Please Pray For:

Continue to pray for us.
Pray for Annie and Chads safety home. (They leave Sunday)


That we continue to be in good health.


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