Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Busy/Lazy Week In Thailand continued...

News letter 5 - Week 5
July 11 - 18th 2011

      On Friday is was a lazy day. We said good bye to Shawn, that's about it...........Oh and Annie and Rhonda oh and the water team.............They were all going together.
      On Saturday, We went to the compassion home for a birthday party!!! They celebrate once a month all the birthdays in that month. But this time they were doing 2 months: August and July. Every one gets cake, but the birthday kids get a larger peace with extra icing and candles with 2 small cookies. I was one of the birthday kids! It was FUN! We took ice cream and they loved it!! We played games with them! And oh man can they play football (soccer)!!!!
      Sunday we went to the IGo church. And me and Tyler and Kaitlyn TRIED to walk home, it was sooooooo FAR! And we forgot water. Needless to say we were very HAPPY!! When dad picked us up! We also said good bye to Christa. (She want back to the US).
Yupp a lazy, busy week..................................

Please Pray For:

Continue to pray for us.
Pray for Annie and Chads safety home. (They leave Sunday)


That we continue to be in good health.


Friday, July 27, 2012


So far these are the top three, please vote on YOUR FAVORITE!

Vote below!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Verse of the Week 4/7/12


"But I will sing of Your power;
Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning;
For You have been my defense
And refuge in the day of my trouble."

~Psalm 59:16

QS of the Week 4/7/12

God whispers our name calling us to walk with Him, realest on life's passages and find peace.

- Unknown

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Busy/Lazy Week In Thailand...

News letter 5 - Week 5
July 11 - 18th 2011

This week was a slow/busy week.......................
      Tuesday night we went to a volley ball game, well we played volleyball with some of the IGo people. We were so hot and sweaty that my shirt was wet!!!  I mean you could feel it!! Like, you could see that my shirt was wet!! But we had FUN!!! Then my mom went to the night market. I was to tired to go. But we plane to go again some time. 
      On Wednesday, Annie learned to drive a moped. It was hilarious!!! LOL.......  She didn't know you had to lean to steer and kept driving into the yard!!!  But she soon picked it up, and she's doing good now. That night we had prayer meeting. 
     Thursday we went to an AWESOME waterfall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It had white rocks and you could climb up it! We had so much FUN! Though Kaitlyn got Matt wet and he said he would get even! -We also got him better then he got us. - And then Shawn got me wet and I told him I would get even, so it was me and Kaitlyn against these two GROWN men! But Shawn was leaving on Friday to go on a mission trip, and Matt was leaving Monday, so we didn't have long. We drove home and me and Kaitlyn jumped out of the truck raced into the house filled buckets up and walked out. We slowly waited for Matt (who was getting his stuff) to get out of the truck. When he did, we were there to meet him. ..........Then we went and filled up our buckets again added some ice  and waited for Shawn (who was ridding a mopped and was a little behind us. When he got there was were waiting for him! It was FUNNY!  They did get us.........But we got them better!!! 'Cause we were waiting for them!! 

These are the waterfall picturse...

HUGE bug...

 Thai girl...

Shawn, Kaitlyn and me, talking...



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Verse of the Week 3/7/12


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

~Matthew 11:28

QS of the Week 3/7/12

In God's bouguet of blessings are a thousand flowers that never fade.

- Unknown

Monday, July 16, 2012


We are still planning to leave in January 2013, probably the 22. Right now were getting our house ready for auction on October 16.  We are going to sell pretty much all of our things. :)

Keep praying for:
My Dad.
That we would have wisdom.

That God would make His will clear to us.


Thailand a year ago...

 News letter 4
 July 4th - 10, 2011 

      We had prayer meeting on Wednesday, I had to baby-sit 2 Thia kids. Rachanook and Phillipe. There both about 1 & 1/2 years old.  There really cute!! Rachanook means dream.  She's a little sneak. I mean you have to watch her every move! - Rachanook was adopted. And will not be there when we return. Same with Phillipe.-  We had a lot of fun! 
     On Thursday we went to an awesome night safari. It had really cool animals..........Wild cats like: Lions, leopard, cheetah's, fishing cats, and tigers!  They had white lions, white and brown tigers. All kids of cheetah's even a little one the size of a HOUSE CAT! They had different kids of leaperds too. They had ALL KINDS of birds; parrots, peacocks, swans, ducks and MORE!!!!! And there were these 1/2 mice 1/2 deer things!!! And we feed deraffs, dear, and zebra's. And then there were the elephants! They did TRICKS!! All in all it was GREAT!  It was sooooooooo COOL!!!!! I mean really, really HOT! But cool, but not cold! Hot very HOT! But its cool here! Oh you know what I mean. 
      On Saturday we went to a pool and on the way home we drove on a moped, and got soaked!!!!! It rained HARD!!! But we had fun. 
      Chad and Annie got here on Sunday! It was AWESOME!!! It was soooooooo good to see them.  Oh and then on Sunday we gave our cleaning lady, Nee, 2 packs of diapers some baby lotion, a boys out-fit and $20. She almost cried!! She has a baby that is like 3 months old.  All in all a GREAT week!!!!

Prayer request:
-Please continue to pray for us.

-That Chad and Annie got here!
-That we are still safe and well!
~Thanks you Lord.

Sorry this one isn't as long I was in a hurry!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Update on Chad and How he's doing...

Chad had another test done on Tuesday (June 26) Chad had a little movement in his ancle every now and then. He still can't feel his big toe, btu the doctors think that the nerve is growing. The surgery was put off again. This is good because if they do do the surgery Chad will only have 20% chance of full recovery.

Keep praying that his nerve will continue to grow.

And thanks for all the prayers, we know that it is working.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. - 1 Timothy 6 :12


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Random Question...World

If you could go any where in the world, for free, and stay there for one month, where would you go? Answer in the "comment" box below. And remember you don't have to be a member to comment!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

QS of the Week 1/7/12

"Tis only when they spring to Heaven that angels, reveal themselves to you."
~Robert Browning

Verse of the Week 1/7/12


That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.

~Philippians 3:10

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Barlow Girl - Mirror

"Have I got it? 'Cause mirror you've always tol dme who am I? 'Cause ti's not always easy to be perfect." The words in this song are great!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

More Time in Thailand Continued...

News letter 3,
July 4th - July 9th, 2011

        On Sunday my dad preached at the compassion home, and boy is there music LOUD!!!!! You get a head ack, and your voice hurts from trying to sing loud, so you can hear yourself. -The church was great! There's nothing like there worship!- But the kids are cute!!! And we had lunch there, noodle with chicken and some kind of broth. It tasted GREAT! But I made a mistake and looked into the bowl where the broth was and saw a WHOLE chinken in it! The head, beek, feet, ever thing! But I still liked the food.
       All in all is was a pretty amazing week. Oh yeah and Zach so a snake! I didn't get to see it, but Zach did! We also love going to swim by this waterfall, this AWESOME waterfall I might add, on the hot days. Well, every days hot so every day we want to go, note want, but mom and dad don't always want to take us. We are also are taking care of a pigeon who hert its leg. We are also learning Thia!!!!! All in all were having a great time! But I do miss you guys! So here's hug from me to you.......

Please Pray for:
-Nee a Thia lady who helps around the house, she has a baby boy who is 3 months old, um I'm not sure whats all wrong with him but he's in the hospital a lot. Please pray that healing will come to him.- This is still a prayer request today. -
-Please continue to pray that we will follow Gods will, and know what he wants for our lives.- Please continue to pray about this too. -
-And please pray that Chad and Annie will have a safe travel over here. They leave Thursday your time.

-That we all are still in good health.
-That we are safe.
-And that Zach's head is healing nicely.


I hope these little up dates are helping you see why my passion is in Thailand. :)
