Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2.2 The real Santa Claus...

So many people here of Santa Claus and never really think about where he came from. Was he just an idea some one made up? Or is he really a man that lives in the North Pole? Well here's the answer...

       Nicholas was born to a wealthy family in Patara, Lycia. 
       As he grew up many people noticed is devotion to the Lord. He did not think his father's faith was what the Bible talked about. So sometime after he turned 16 he left his home to go find peace.
       One day the Lord visited him and told him to return to his family. Nicholas obeyed, but when he reached home he found his family had all died, leaving him a great sum of money, he also was to take over as Bishop, just as his father had. Nicholas dreaded the idea and did not want to take the position, but he had too,
       So Nichole was called St. Nicholas. Nicholas began to give his money away to the poor and soon became very popular.
      One day while on a walk he saw a girl crying to her father. People are not sure why this girl was crying, some think she wanted to get married, other's say the girls were facing a death sentience. But it does not matter, all that matters was that the girl needed money. So Nicholas arrived at the house the next night and through a bag of gold in the window.
     The Next day Nicholas was passing the same house and heard another girl crying about the very same thing. So Nickolas arrived the next night and through the bag into the window again.
     Once again Nickolas passed the house and heard the third daughter crying. So Nickolas came back that night, but the father of the three girls was hiding and waiting for him. So Nicholas climbed the roof and dropped the gold down the chimney. People believe that the gold landed in some stockings that were drying at the fire place.
    And that's where Santa Claus comes from. There are a lot more amazing stories about St Nickolas. You might want to look them up!



  1. did you get that story from oddysey?!?!?!? hey its been forever since i saw you, are our mom's trying to keep us away from each other??

  2. I got the idea from Oddysey but I did my own research. :) And we need to put up just a little fight to get together. I'll email you. :)


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