Monday, June 10, 2013

My First Day of Teaching!

Loved! Loved teaching! My students are amazing and adorable! I love it! Although it is definitely a new challenge. Today I finished my third class; but sadly forgot the camera; I would say today was the best day so far...We made our first craft (a paper crown made out of a paper plate.) The pictures below are from my first class...

An adorable little girl! (One of my youngest)
Another student...(Also one of my youngest)
This is my youngest student. (Along with me; and my very burnt skin...Spent 4 hours on the back of a truck coming home from the refugee camp...Not one of my best ideas.)
 Getting ready...
 Their first lesson...
My chalk board...(We are in the process of teaching them "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in the depths of my heart."

 After class snack
 Look-I-like back packs and uniforms.

 Teaching is an adventure that I'm glade my God is with me to help me along. Because even though I love teaching; it presents new challenges everyday. After all 22 students; a little Thai = Challenge. But Challenge + Faith + My God = Awesome experiences!
I'll be posting more of my lessons in the future.

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