Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013


Hey I'm going to stop all Internet connections between me and, well, the Internet; for three months. (Untill September 17,) I'll only be checking my emails. I don't know if I'll make an exception for blogger later on; but for now I'm going to stop. (This has nothing to do with my early post about stopping my blog; I just need to spend more time with God.) My verse of the Week and QS will continue to be posted though. (I scheduled them)

See you in three months, (if not sooner.)


Thursday, June 13, 2013

QS of the Week 2/6/13

"I am only one; but still I am one. I can't so everything; but still I can do something."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Verse of the Week 2/6/13

"Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
~Nehemiah 8:10

Monday, June 10, 2013

My First Day of Teaching!

Loved! Loved teaching! My students are amazing and adorable! I love it! Although it is definitely a new challenge. Today I finished my third class; but sadly forgot the camera; I would say today was the best day so far...We made our first craft (a paper crown made out of a paper plate.) The pictures below are from my first class...

An adorable little girl! (One of my youngest)
Another student...(Also one of my youngest)
This is my youngest student. (Along with me; and my very burnt skin...Spent 4 hours on the back of a truck coming home from the refugee camp...Not one of my best ideas.)
 Getting ready...
 Their first lesson...
My chalk board...(We are in the process of teaching them "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in the depths of my heart."

 After class snack
 Look-I-like back packs and uniforms.

 Teaching is an adventure that I'm glade my God is with me to help me along. Because even though I love teaching; it presents new challenges everyday. After all 22 students; a little Thai = Challenge. But Challenge + Faith + My God = Awesome experiences!
I'll be posting more of my lessons in the future.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I Love Editing...

I took our family photo...
I just zoomed up on Abbys feet, and then made it b/w then added tint aorund the edge...It was a lot of fun...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

QS of the Week 1/6/13

"God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself..."

Verse of the Week 1/6/13

"He has made His wonderful works to be remembered;
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion."
~Psalm 111:4

Stellar Kart - All In

I haven't done a Stellar Kart song in a LONG time, but I've decided to use more of his songs again.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Having Fun Taking Photo's of Our Outdoors...

This is in Burma...

 A coconut tree on the other side of our wall...


A LIVE flower planed on our porch...

A banana tree flower...

Palm trees...

Beautiful flower on our tree in our flowerbed...

One of my favorite. (This flower is pink and it grows on a tree in our flowerbed.)
We have these flower bushes EVERYWHERE!

Another flower tree in our yard...

A flower in our yard...

Plant on our porch...

Yes it's the moon peaking trough the tree...

And to finish it...
(I didn't edit the coloring at all. All I did was add the shadows around the edge.)

This photo was taken at the end of our street...

Times - Tenth Avenue North


Monday, June 3, 2013

Beckah Shae - Simcha Shiri

I haven't posted a Becka Shae song in a long time; but here's one.


Sunday, June 2, 2013


Please pray for me today as I prepare my lessons for my first teaching job. Yes. I will be teaching at a PUBLIC school English. All I know is that I will have 20 students; from the ages 3-6. I know, I know, THREE year olds. But you would be surprised; they send there kids to school really early. the 3 year olds are learning the ENGLISH alphabet.
My class starts at 10 and goes until 11 Monday evening(your time-PA) This is something new to me and I'm going to need a lot of prayers. I also have a REALLY bad sun burn; I mean REALLY bad. It hurts to move. (We picked up Annie at the Refugee Camp; and I was sitting on the back of the truck for three hours; and let's just say that wasn't such a good idea.) So please pray for that as well.
Thanks so much! I'll let you know how it goes...


Making Straberry Jam...

A friend from church...

Lady's from our church cam eand helped us...

Cutting the strawberries...

Washing the dished afterward...
