Friday, May 31, 2013

I have decided...

Hey thanks for all the comments they helped me decide to keep my blog, at least for now. :) I am opening this post for any ideas you have for me, ideas and questions!

Questions can include:
Stuff about my life here.
Maybe there's a question from one of my post.
You can even go back to stuff about Chad or Hadassa Rose.
Pretty much any question
"A question is never stupid, if you don't know the answer, ask it!"

Ideas may include:
Anything from pictures to songs.
Maybe there's an author you like.
Or someone that you know of that has awesome quotes.
Any recipes,
or singers.
I would LOVE, LOVE to know any verses that you love.

I would LOVE to know what you think!



  1. AWESOME!! GLAD YOU DECIDED TO KEEP IT!! :) fyi, I love when you post pics, its fun to see what your doing and what life is like in asia!! :)

  2. I love the blog, thanks for keeping it going. :) I love to see pictures of you life in Asia.

  3. So glad you decided to keep the blog :) I also love seeing pictures from Asia!

  4. I'm with the others. I love hearing about Thailand. :)


I hope you will comment! You don't have to be a member, anyone and everyone can comment!