Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Just a few Pics of us here in Thailand...

We went on a border run to Burma/Myammar... (We have to leave the cauntry ever 3 months. It has something to do with our vise.)
Abby and two of her friends...

Mom saw peaches and decided to buy them, it was the first ones we had since moving.



  1. good pics... were the peaches edible? Some of the ones we buy here are rock-hard. well, almost. this one time we were playing a guessing game with our granpa where he described a fruit and he guessed it. so he was like, it's yellow, and really juicy. and we were like... orange?? mango? it has to be a mango! and he was like, no, it's a peach. WHAT! peaches aren't 'yellow and juicy!' lol :) anyway... looks like a fun/interesting border run. we just got back at 3 am from one to Hong Kong.

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