Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chad Has Returned...

     Sadly on March 5th, 2013 at 7:00pm (our time, 8:00am for you in PA) my big older brother left Asia. :( I'm going to miss him so much! He'll no longer be here to make me laugh, and he's not going to be here to teach me guitar, or just have fun. Thankfully I'll get to see him at Christmas.
     Tonight Megan Yoder comes over here; she may be staying with us we're not sure. I hope she does; but you never know. :)
      I'm also working really hard on school! I'm going to try and have the school year done by the end of this month. ;)

Please pray that I will be intentional with my Bible study; and that I wouldn't just try and get the time in but that I would be able to learn what the Lord wants me to learn.
Please pray that I could be a witness.
And that I would NEVER loose sight of the goal.
Pray that I would know what my Father wants me to do.
The Thai people are so graceful. PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WOULD GIVE ME GRACE.

Thanks so much!


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