Monday, March 4, 2013

Annie's sick...

Please pray for Annie...

Wednesday morning dawned just like all the other mornings; we all got up and had pancakes; again. Later that afternoon we get a phone call telling us that Annie is really sick and that they are bringing her to Chang Mia. The doctors are telling us that there is an infection in Annie's blood.
Today they couldn't find the infection but her blood pressure is still very low, a low of 20-something and a high of 64. They allowed her to come home but if her blood pressure does not come back up she will have to stay at the hospital because something else is wrong.

This was written two day ago and I saved it thinking that I would come back and finish it later...

Annie is doing much better, her appetite is back and her blood pressure is now a high of 82. Praise God! We can tell people are praying because she was sick on and off for two weeks, then when we let people know that she is sick and we need prayer she began to improve. PRAYER WORKS!


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