Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday!

It's nto about the eggs, or the funny rabbit. It's not about the hint or the candy. It's about HIM!
Jesus died...
Three day's...

HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Verse of the Week 4/3/13


"I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me."

~John 5:30

QS of the Week 4/3/13


The Lord made this world so beautiful; imagine how wonderful heaven must be.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Trust in Him...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart adn lean not on your own understading."
Proverbs 3:3

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Verse of the Week 3/3/13


"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

~James 1:17

QS of the Week 3/3/13


A faithful Father is the same in the morning as he is when the sun goes down.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Let Me Know...

Hey If any of my songs or clips do not work please let me know by commenting; I will try and fix it.



Thailand Movie #1...

Hope this show's you a little about our life here in Thailand. :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Hey everyone,
  • Annie is feeling like her old self again, although she has to continue to take pills. The doctors say she should live longer because she naturally has a lower blood pressure.
  • God as blessed us with safety!
  • We were amazed at how a stove affects you in the morning. The first week we went without a stove, we had a sink and fringe and a grittle, no toaster, microwave (which we still don't have.) oven, hot water or stove. And I must say that out mornings weren't going the smoothest. Then one morning (The first morning we had a stove.) we had an awesome morning, everyone walked around with HUGE smiles. :D
  • My sister (Annie) and Mom have proven their blondness. Annie was riding Chad's bike, which was having problems, when it stalled and then wouldn't start at a red light. A guy with an English accent was behind her and asked if she needed help, he tried to start it but still couldn't. They weren't far from the center and so he offered to take her there; she accepted. When they got there Annie was thanking the guy and was trying to get the strap undone on her helmet; but couldn't. The man finally said, "I'm not going to wait for you to take that helmet off," then smiled and rode away. Annie turned around and Rhonda noticed the problem; it was already undone! Boy did we die laughing!
  • The next week my mom rode for over half an hour to the center, when she got there she couldn't get her helmet off. She called my dad over; he turned around and just roared with laughter; there was several other people around (including me) and we just split up. Here my mom had worn her helmet backwards the whole way there!
      OH and MIRACLES OF MIRACLES, my MOM is driving a MOPEDE!
Well there's lots more stories, but I don't want to bore you. :)Were all doing great over here; and we're finding a "normal".

      Specific prayers for me:
  • Please pray as I study Thai, plus do school.
  • Pray for me as I consider teaching English at a Thai school.
  • Pray for me as I ask God what I should be doing.

      Pray for my family:
  • Chad will be leaving in April; and it's just not going to be the same.
  • Pray for us as our prayer dedication for our house is this Sunday.
  • Pray as we look for a building for our coffee shop.
  • Please pray that the powers of darkness will not overtake us.
Picturse are coming...
P.S. There's nothing like riding FOUR people on one bike; it's what we sometimes have to do to get around.
"There's nothing like singing to the same God, in different languages. And yet all singing in one voice on the hallelujah!"
~Sarah Esh

Verse of the Week 2/3/13


"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
'Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.'"
~Hebrews 13:5

QS of the Week 2/3/13


A simple act of kindness can lead a wandering soul to God.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Proof - For King and Cauntry

New band for this blog. But hopefully we'll be hearing more of them soon. :)


Friday, March 8, 2013

Britt Nicole - Set The World On Fire

These words are amazing! I really like there meaning! It's great for my family as we work to move to Thailand.


Thursday, March 7, 2013


If any of you have questions about what its like here this is the place to ask them. The questions can rang from, Do I get homesick? to How is the food? to What's my bedroom like? Any and all questions will be answered. I will first post the questions and then the answers within the next month or so.
So ask away,
P.S. You can answer by scrolling down to the bottom of THIS post, Next to "Posted by Sarah at so and so time," there is a "No post" or "1 post" and so forth. Just click on that. And don't forget YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER! :) Hope to hear from you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Verse of the Week 1/3/13


"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

~John 15:13

QS of the Week 1/3/13


Landmarks show where we have been not how far we will go.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Annie's sick...

Please pray for Annie...

Wednesday morning dawned just like all the other mornings; we all got up and had pancakes; again. Later that afternoon we get a phone call telling us that Annie is really sick and that they are bringing her to Chang Mia. The doctors are telling us that there is an infection in Annie's blood.
Today they couldn't find the infection but her blood pressure is still very low, a low of 20-something and a high of 64. They allowed her to come home but if her blood pressure does not come back up she will have to stay at the hospital because something else is wrong.

This was written two day ago and I saved it thinking that I would come back and finish it later...

Annie is doing much better, her appetite is back and her blood pressure is now a high of 82. Praise God! We can tell people are praying because she was sick on and off for two weeks, then when we let people know that she is sick and we need prayer she began to improve. PRAYER WORKS!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Psalm 149:4

Psalm 149:4:
For the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation.
