Thursday, March 22, 2012

An Auction For Chad!

If you want to help out with Chad's medical bills, please come to White Horse Fire Hall! On April 2, (Monday) we will hold an auction and a supper to help pay for Chad's medical Bills. Chad will also be speaking. The supper starts at 4:00 pm, and the auction is at 6:00 pm - WHO KNOWS WHEN. :) There will be a bake sale, Candy Stand (That I'm in charge of.) and more. We ask that you bring an item with you (to auction off) and buy an item(s). Donations are excepted. Call my mom or my aunt (Maryn, however you spell her name,) for more details. If you would like to help out at the auction (running a stand or something) call Maryn. You can call my mom for her number. :)


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