Saturday, March 31, 2012

New York City & Training...

We are going to New York City. Yes I know I said we weren't, but plans have changed. We will leave April 9th and return May 18th. 6 weeks, they added another week to teach on Buddhism.

Please pray for us as we learn more about missions, and prepare to move to Thailand,


Jamie Grace - Come To Me

:) :) ;) ;) :) :)


Friday, March 30, 2012

Natalie Grant - In Better Hand's

In Better Hand's - This song was played at my brother's  funeral (He was a still born.)

Hope you like it,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Verse of the Week 4/3/12


"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"

~Matthew 22:37-39

Qs of the Week 4/3/12


Quietly and patiently, God leads us in countless ways.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Natalie Grant - Held

Held - We had this song play at my brothers funeral (He was a still born.)


Craft of the Month

Sorry I can't continue to post the Craft of the Month. I will post soem craft, just most likely not every month. Sorry,


Monday, March 26, 2012

Kaitlyn has a blog!

Yes, Kaitlyn has a blog! Check it out: Make It .


Because I have been so busy...

Because I have been so busy, I will be posting my Craft f the Month, a little late. Sorry.


More Spring Pictures...

You save the humble but bring the low those whose eyes are haughty.


Jamie Grace - You Lead.

Love this song!

Please Vote!!!

My friend Cheyenne (she's a missionary in China) well I got an email from her and this is what it said:

hey girls :)
our friend here in Chengdu, Hilary, needs votes on her essay so she can maybe get a scholarship. I think she's planning to go to the states for college pretty soon. I just thought I would send this out to you all and if you have time you can go on and vote for her. Thank you! I'll try to let you all know if she gets it... here's the link

-Cheyenne Sensenig

I hope you vote. It's a great essay!


Thursday, March 22, 2012


NOTICE - I posted three post about where Chad is speaking! Check them out! I wanted to make it easier for you so I made the links here: AUCTION, LIVING WATERS, OUR CHURCH, or you could click on the link CHAD and all three will pop up.

Hope you can come. And thanks for praying.


Britt Nicole - Say it!

Hope you like it,


An Auction For Chad!

If you want to help out with Chad's medical bills, please come to White Horse Fire Hall! On April 2, (Monday) we will hold an auction and a supper to help pay for Chad's medical Bills. Chad will also be speaking. The supper starts at 4:00 pm, and the auction is at 6:00 pm - WHO KNOWS WHEN. :) There will be a bake sale, Candy Stand (That I'm in charge of.) and more. We ask that you bring an item with you (to auction off) and buy an item(s). Donations are excepted. Call my mom or my aunt (Maryn, however you spell her name,) for more details. If you would like to help out at the auction (running a stand or something) call Maryn. You can call my mom for her number. :)


Chad will be speaking at Living Waters...

Chad will be speaking at Living Waters on Easter weekend, (7 & 8 of April) At 7:00 pm. Door's open at 6. You can buy your tickets online (seats are limeted!) at This Website.

Hope you can come!


Chad is Speaking at...

Chad is speaking at our church New Covenant Mennonite fellowship, this Sunday (March 25th) night at 7 (I think it's at 7). He will tell his story and we (our family) will speak as well. We'll be talking about how we felt and what we did when we heard that he was shot, and while we were at the hospital. We also will be singing a few songs. There will be pictures and a worship time. Hope you can come! :)


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beckah Shae - Here in this moment...

Hope you like it! :)


The verse say's: (NKJV) He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that
God does from beginning to end.
- Ecclesiastes 3:11 -


Verse of the Week 3/3/12


"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

~Matthew 6:33

QS of the Week 3/3/12


In a world that is forever changing, our God is forever the same.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Random Question - Craft of the Month.

I want ideas for my Craft of the Month. Please coment below, and who knows I may use it next month. :) I hope you have ideas.


Thursday, March 15, 2012


I don't know if you heard but,
I know shocking, and no were not adopting, MY MOM IS PREGNANT!!!!
It's due September 12th, this will postpone our Thailand move, until January, BUT WE ARE STILL GOING! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

QS of the Week 2/3/12


Challenges with courage; build endurance and strengthen faith.

Verse of the Week 2/3/12


"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

~Psalms 118:24

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

QS of the Week 1/3/12


Within each of us are gifts and abilities God can use to heal a hurting world.

Verse of the Weeks 1/3/12


"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

~Psalms 37:4

Monday, March 5, 2012

News on Thailand,

Because Chad may need surgery we will not be going to New York this spring, but next fall, (September - November) if the Lord is willing. :) We are planning to action off our house. And are hoping to take our dog, Emmy with us. Our rabbits (two females floppy eared) are for sail for a FREE, and we have a hutch (ask my mom how much that is.) We will store some of our more sentimental things, and take some along, we do plan to sell most of our things. My Dad is looking for management for his store.
Although our plans are delayed we still are going, and can't wait.

I just wish we would get there!


Random Question :) - History

I will start posting "Random Questions".

Question: If you could meet any history character from the 1500-1900, who would it be? And why?

Just post you answer below. (I hope I get a lot of answers.)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Another Song...

Jamie Grace, The Way You Show Jesus.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

More On Chad!

There's good and bad news.

The good news is that: CHAD CAN WALK AGAIN! He uses a can, but HE IS ALLOWED TO PUT WAIT ON HIS LEG! :) His leg is really weak, but is getting stronger. :) God Is Good!!!!

The bad news, is mixed with good: Part of the good news is that the bullet did not kill any of his nerves, they are traumatized, but not dead. The bad news is that most likely from his knee down to his foot his nerves on the top of his leg and foot (not the bottom) are dead. So it could take a year or two to completely heal.

He is going to a specialist tomorrow to find out more.

Keep praying,

I'll keep you posted. :)
