Monday, February 4, 2013

We're now looking...

    Yesterday we went to look at a house we are considering moving into. The house is nice, with three bedrooms and bathrooms, living room, dinning room, and kitchen, we would also have a guest house that has a room and bathroom, plus a laundry room. The house is small but we could get used to that. I wish there was a room for school/play room; but we could a just.The main problem is that we aren't as close to a university as we would like to be.

     We also went to a nice Thai church close to the house. They asked to sing which was a surprise but from the looks on their faces we did okay. My dad has to preach there in two weeks.

      Although the surmans are in Thai; the peaople were nice enough to have an interpriter for us. Is a great witnessing place. 70 % of the believers are new Christians; having become believers within the last two years.

Right now we are really busy, and tomorrow I start school again. A couple teams are coming here to the center; which means we need to leave by Wednesday {Tuesday for you.} -There's a twelve hour difference.-

Annie is now at a hostil {Sort of like a boarding school.} She is away for 6 weeks, but then she'll return. She's there with one of her friends. :)

Please pray for us as we continue to look at houses this week.
As we move to a hotel.
As Annie serves at a hostil.
As my dad prepars to preach.
As I try to start school again.
And as we learn to adjust to a new life style.

I'll update again soon. An dI hope this wasn't to confusing; I wasin a hurry.



  1. So you haven't decided on the house yet, is that right? Ah this made me miss you! I haven't seen you in over 24 hours! :)

  2. Yeah we're looking again today. When do you leave for the US?


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