Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Prayer...

"My Prayer...For all time...

Lord give me EYES that will shine your light, that sparkle when I laugh, and that will see the people you want me to help.

Give me EARS that are ready to listen to every problem whether big or small.

Please Father give me LIPS that speak the truth, and are always ready to speak out
against evil.

Jesus give me ARMS that are always open wide, ready to welcome, and ready to hold.

Give me HANDS that are willing to do Your work, ready to help out and ready to comfort.

Lord I ask that you give me LEGS that are ready to take me where you lead me.

Please give me FEET that will walk the path that you set before me.

Lord give me a BODY that is ready to be your TEMPLE. Ready to do your WILL, and ready to do your WORK.

I ask that you will show me the people you want me to SEE, so that I can LISTEN, and I ask for the WORDS to speak. I ask that you will help me give COMFORT, and also the STRENGTH to do you work. Please help me walk on the PATH that you are LEADING me on. Lord I want my body to be your TEMPLE."

~Samantha B. Fox

This is my prayer!

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