Monday, February 20, 2012

Craft of the Month - February 2012

 I learned how to do these flowers and got the pictures from this website: .

---First you will need:---
1. Some buttons....or whatever you want for the middle....
2. Some fabric....
3. Felt. (Or you can use a piece of fabric.)...
4. A head band...
Cut out circles about 3 inches or so across. And get close to a circles, you don't need to make a perfect circle, just get close.You can use ONE guide circle, set it on top of about 6 squares of fabric, and cut out 6 at a time. You are going to want to do about three different sizes of circles, so they can get smaller, as you head towards the center... You'll find out what I mean soon.
Next, You just fold the circle in half... so it looked like a taco.Then you fold in ONE corner to the center one way... and the other corner, the opposite direction, the OTHER way... to make this shape, that's in the picture. Kind of a "2 cone" shape. Then you just hot glue the folds at the bottom, to keep it together.

Make a bunch of those.

Then cut out a piece of felt (or fabric)... and glue them like it shows in the picture. Making sure your largest circle petals are in the back.

Then layer the smaller petals. Just hot gluing them onto the other ones, at the base. You don't want TOO much glue, or the ends of the petals won't be fluffy and full.

It will look like this from the back, when you're done.

Hot glue whatever you want in the center.

Next, You can take the headband, and glue a piece of felt on the back side, as shown in picture.

And then glue the two felt pieces together... To make sure the flower has a good base, and wouldn't fall off.

When you've finished, this is what it SHOULD look like!



  1. cutesy!!!!! can't wait to see you on thurs. friend!!!!!! r u gonna cum watch me quiz???? it's stinks that you never got to do that!!!!

  2. Oh yeah, to bad you didn't do the greatest the day I did watch you. :) LOL


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