Saturday, January 21, 2012

We Got To See Chad!

          Yesterday evening we got to see Chad! :) He cried when we walked in and said that he thought he might never see us again.
          I've never seen him cry so much. But it was good to see him. He kept saying how much he loves us and how good it is to see us.
          What I thought was great was that he has already forgiven the men that shot him, he hopes to see them one day again and tell them he forgave them and tell them about Jesus. He even prays for them. I think it's amazing that he can even let go of his anger, let alone forgive and pray for them.
          He continues to say "God is good," and he never once mentions that he was 'lucky' to have good doctors or that he lived. He only says "By the grace of God."
           I am so glade I can see him! :) He told me his side of the story. (The story I posted earlier was Shawn's story. FYI)
          Chad did not think they were joking, he said that the moment he stepped out of the truck one of the 'gentlemen' (That's what Chad calls them) grabbed his back pack. He turned and told him not to touch it, that it wasn't for him, in creal.(However you spell it.) The men took the back pack and another man shot him in the back (We thought he was shot in the front he was not) he fell to the ground and the men with the gun pointed it at Chad again. Chad said that he thought he was gonna die and prayed "Oh Jesus help me." Well the other two 'gentlemen' began going through his pockets for his wallet. Chad thinks that they saved his life, because the other man did not shoot him. A man driving a dump truck, jumped out and drug Chad to his truck, Chad said he saw a puddle of blood and new that, that wasn't good. On the way the driver was cussing and swearing and so they sang (Chad and some of his pals) Our God Is An Awesome God. He said he was in a lot of pain. Chad cried when he told us what went through his head when they said "You may not make it through the surgery." Thank God he did.
             There are so many miracles involved in this. Yesterday (or was it the day before?) they thought they would have to do surgery to remove the bullet lodged in his hip, they also said that there was shrapnel in there (bits of bones and stuff.) But when they did another scan last night it was gone. The bullet and shrapnel gone. We believe it was a miracle. :)

                             Thanks for all your prayers, I'll keep you posted.



  1. How awesome is He?!
    So thankful his life was spared! We are all still praying!

  2. Thanks so much. Our God is an awsome God.

  3. his story is pretty awesome, not many people experience the grace of God in that way, just one way to prove that God's angel's are always watching over us!!! love you sarah, hopefully i can see you soon!!!!!

  4. I know I keep think about the verse that talks about all things working for the good. :) I mean a lot of lives have been changed. :)


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