Wednesday, April 25, 2012

QS of the Week 4/4/12

Miracles are all around us if we will only learn to recognize them.

Verse of the Week 4/4/12

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

~Proverbs 3:5 & 6

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A little more of Spring...

Psalm 31:24:
Be strong and take heart,
and you who hope in the LORD.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

QS of the Week 3/4/12


"The whole life of a Christian should be nothing but praises and thanks to God; we should neither eat nor sleep, but eat to God and sleep to God and work to God and talk to God, do all to His glory and praise."

~ Richard Sibbes

Verse of the Week 3/4/12


"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

~Matthew 16:26

Monday, April 16, 2012

New York City!

      Well one week is over......And so much has happened! We arrived late Monday evening, and settled into a little house, although small we are thankful to have a bed for everyone. We are staying with a Haitian lady and he two children, a girl and boy, (both are in their twenties.)

      The next day I tried to settle into classes, and I did. I found out that although the class is hard and very intense, you can learn a lot. My plane had been to do classes every-other day, well this changed by lunch time. I want to do classes EVERY day. So that was my plan, until I found out that I have to take care of the kids (Abby and Zach, -Kaitlyn takes care of herself, but is to young to watch the others) once a week (Thursday's) so I agreed, I do have to do school sometimes.

      By the way, I will NOT have much school done when I get home. So I may have to do school later into the summer. :(

      We study all the time, we get up at 6:30 in the morning so we can get ready and make in time for the classes by 8:30 (Traffic is horrible and it takes us from half an hour to one-and-a-half hours.) Once we get to the classes we have worship, everyone has to lead worship once (well not me because I'm not 16.) We then gather in groups from 2 to 4 and pray. I love that part.

      Next we have our first class, and then at 10:30 be have ten minute brake and then another class. Then at 11:45 someone shares there life testimony. (Everyone but me :) )  we have lunch at 12:15. And then study time at 1:15 to 2:00 (and I do study!) at 2:00 we have our 3rd class. Then at 3:00 we go out on the streets.

Once on the streets we ask questions like: "What religion do you have?" (They don't aways know what religion is) , "Do you know who Jesus Christ is?" or "Would you like something to read?" and then we give them a track, otherwise we say, "Did you get this?". Anyway I will not try and bore you with that. Although it does challenge me, I mean it's not everyday you walk up to a strange and introduce yourself......Well it is for me! At least for the past week, and for the next four weeks! :)

      After we get back from the streets at about 4:45 we talk about what happened, the people we met, new food we ate, and so on. Then we go for supper at 5:30, but first we must walk down to the lodge, where we eat. (We figured out that we walk about 2.5 miles just walking to the lodge! That doesn't count walking on the streets!)-(One boy as something in his phone that says how far they walked, and he averages 6-7 miles) After that we drive back to the house we are staying at, and we usually get there about 8:00. Then we start study time... And we study until 10 sometimes 11 o'clock, depending on how hard the lesson is.

      The assignments we have to finish by the last week include: reading about 8 books (That includes the book of Acts.) We also need to write a 600 word report about our main religion in the country we plane to move to (In our case Buddhism) we have journals we must write in everyday. We need to memorize 10 NEW verses, 2 of which must be in our new language (Thai) and if you know anything about Thia, it's no easy project! We have to write about every book we read. And so on, let's just say IT'S NOT EASY!!!

      We go to bed late and rise early! So I don't have much time for my blog. (The post that you see are scheduled -I made it so it publishes a post at a certain time on a certain day. I already wrote the post, before I came here. I was looking ahead.)

Please pray for:
-Wisdom for me and my family.
-For God to help me focus as I study, (I'm the youngest in the class, the next to youngest is Tyler (17))
-For God to discern to who he would have us speak to.
-For peace.
-For a good nights rest.
-For good health, (I was sick the second day we were here)
-For love for the people.
-For Discernment from the Lord.

Please also pray for my mom and our unborn baby.

-Safe travel here.
-For dying on the cross!
-For allowing me to be born into a Christian Family.
-For allowing me not to be home-less.
-For giving me a great family!
-For good friends!
-For love that I feel people giving to me.
-For the passion he has placed in my heart for the Thai people.

Over the last week, I felt that I have changed some. I just hope the change last.

Thank you for all the prayers,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

QS of the Week 2/4/12


"The Bible is a compass, pointing you in the right direction."

~Author Unknown

Verse of the Week 2/4/12


"A merry heart does good like a medicine; but a broken spirit dries the bones."

~Proverbs 17:22

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter, day 6, 2012

Jesus was in the grave for three day's. On the third day he arose. He lives, he's in heaven watching us! Praise God! Hallelujah! He has risen!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter, day 5, 2012

Jesus was in the grave, but he is alive now!


Easter, day 4, 2012

Jesus died, he suffered on the cross for three hours. He was wipped, spat at, kicked, laughed at, humilated, a crown of thorns was layed on his head and then he was nailed to the cross!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter, day 2, 2012

Remember Jesus, don't forget easter is about Him. Not the egg's, bunnies or candy. It's about Jesus!


More Spring...

~The verse say's: To the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places,according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I think that's the verse any way.


Verse of the Week 1/4/12


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

~Deuteronomy 31:6

QS of the Week 1/4/12


To reach out for the new life God offers we must first let go of the old.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter, day 1, 2012

Jesus died, on a cross. He suffered, for us.



        It's the week before Easter. From now, Tuesday, April 3, 2012, I will be posting some things everyday about Easter.


Beautiful Spring...
